High-capacity distribution silo
CAVAC Cooperative - Aizenay (Vendée)
The construction of large grain storage and processing facilities in a limited time requires accurate analyses, excellent collaboration between the different project actors and flexibility on the building site.
In order to develop multiple quality channels, the Vendée cooperative needed to create a substantial and modern centre for grain processing. It therefore approached Cérès Solutions to design and manage the one-year project from initial earthworks to reception of cereals.
Following a tender by our independent design office, CERES Agro-Industrie won the contract for the ‘mechanical equipment’ phase.
The project drew on the experience of our designers to implement our equipment in a full-capacity grain tower: rotary cleaner, flat cleaner, barley sizer, trimming machine.
The numerous exchanges on vertical loading designs and pipe layouts with the project manager, the masonry and metal structure contractors working on this site enabled the construction phase to be anticipated and reduced to a record time.
The group’s industrial organisation CERES Agro-Industry enabled its workshops to manufacture the mechanical equipment in a very short time.
Finally, the strength of CERES MONTAGE (CERES Services), a company in the GROUP CERES provided the human resources necessary to meet the deadlines requested by CAVAC. Up to 15 fitters led by 3 team leaders worked simultaneously on site over a total period of six months.
Key information :
- Storage capacity of 37,800 tons
- 12 cells in drain ventilation
- 8 conical-bottomed cells with duct ventilation and fumigation system
- Throughput of 200 T/h from reception to shipping
- 2 reception hoppers with dust collection
- 5 bucket elevators
- 14 chain conveyors
- 3 belt conveyors
- 2 bag filters and dust extraction networks
- 1 pendular distributor 1 input / 8 outputs